If you feel able to help on a regular basis you can do this by joining our confidential Planned Giving scheme. If you are interested in helping in this way you can use the QR code to find out more or do speak to Carole Holmes our Gift Aid secretary.
Alternatively, you may prefer to set up a Standing Order with your bank. Information is available in St Mary’s. If you are able to Gift Aid your donations, if you have not already done so, please complete the gift aid declaration form which can be found in St Mary’s, or speak to Carole Holmes.
You can also make a donation through online banking, please use the reference ‘’donation’: Acct name: PCC of Chidham Acct Number: 96179236 Sort Code:60-05-24
Alternatively, we now have a contactless machine in St Mary’s just inside the door. Do contact our treasurer vivien519@btinternet.com or Father Andrew rev.andrew.birks@hotmail.com or call 01243 341323 if you have any questions.